An important goal of this course is to familiarize you with the Unix environment, in particular, the command-line.
In the lab we are going to use MobaXterm to connect to the server.

MobaXterm connection to the server

MobaXterm is a Windows application provides the remote network tools and Unix commands to Windows desktop. We are going to use this tool to connect to the server from the lab and classroom computes.

  • Launch MobaXterm and click the open terminal button as shown in this screenshot.
    MobaXterm Start
  • Next we are going to open an SSH connection. Use your GW net ID and password for this command
    ssh -Y
  • If successful you should see something like this:
    SSH success
  • Next we want to setup the public_html directory we are going to use for the class. Notice that you only need to do this ONCE.
    mkdir public_html

    This is going to create a directory at the current location named public_html.

  • Let’s change the permissions for that directory to be:
    chmod 0755 public_html

    That means the owner can read, write and execute, while everyone else can only read and execute.